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  • w.l.o.g. = without loss of generality.
  • ... be prohibitive of ...
  • ... be prohibitively computational expensive ...


  • It is of increasing importance for ... and draws increasing attention.
  • Further ablation study and analysis gives more insights into the proposed method and demonstrate the generalization capability and stability of our model.
  • Experiments on the ... dataset show that xxx outperforms the state-of-the-arts in xxx, especially for ...


  • ... remains an important open challenge in ...
  • Recently, there has been progress in ...
  • Due to the difficulty of the task, these methods still have significant limitations. In particular, early efforts focused on ...
  • We are motivated by these observations to ...
  • Along the line of research that , ...
  • Could ... ? Prior work is encouraging. [OpenAI CLIP]
  • ... is one of the central tasks in 3D computer vision with many applications. For example, ...
  • ... is a fundamental problem in computer vision and computer graphics.
  • ... has recently become a highly promising alternative to classical xxx approaches due to its ...
  • The ability to ... is a long-standing goal of computer vision and graphics.
  • ... is a core element in diverse fields of research, including ....
  • We study alternative ways for ... to improve ... beyond ...
  • The benefits from the ... scheme lie in two-fold. On the one hand, ... On the other hand, ....
  • by ..., we make it possible to ..., and thus have the best of both worlds, i.e., ... and ....
  • whereas previous works reach high performance on standard ... benchmarks, in challenging real-world conditions, it is desirable to involve ...
  • for ..., there are two dominant paradigms. The first one focuses on ..., Another mainstream solution ...
  • while state-of-the-art A methods handle xxx well, B methods either ignore these cases altogether or only deliver a weak performance.
  • These methods fall short of generating novel samples of a subject while preserving fidelity.
  • We do not impose any restrictions on input image capture settings.
  • In addition, language drift is a common problem in language models, and manifests itself in text-to-image diffusion models as well.
  • In contrast, ...


  • We present a new approach capable of ... from ...
  • We propose XXX, a novel ..., which ...
  • We demonstrate significant performance improvements of our approach compared to prior work.
  • We briefly describe related work in major lines of research: ...
  • We are motivated to extend this line of research to a ... setting.
  • This severely curtails their flexibility and limits their ... capabilities.
  • The most related line of research is ...
  • Before the age of deep learning, ...
  • ... have been shown to allow for ...
  • .... has gained popularity in ... To overcome ..., several works ...
  • Several works investigate how ... While many approaches use ..., we focus on ...
  • Compared to the xxx approaches, wherein the ... is often suboptimal, yyy approaches are more straightforward and have achieved promising performance.


  • (directly describe methods) In this section, we briefly summarize A, and then describe how we extend it to B.
  • (first describe problems) Given , our goal is to ...
  • We emphasize that what is common across this line of work is not but . [CLIP]
  • Our goal is .... In the following, we discuss the main components of our method. First, ... (See Sec~\ref{}). Next, ... Finally, ....


  • The improvements potentially come from the design of ... in our method, which can act as a ...


  • The proof is given in the Appendix.
  • The detailed derivation of this formula is given in the Appendix.


  • In this section we investigate the relationship between ...
  • In this section, we first verify the efficacy of ..., and then show that ...
  • In particular, we show that ..., thus motivating ...
  • For the sake of simplicity and w.l.o.g, hereafter we ...
  • Let us consider a ...
  • Equivalently, ...